Spark Education 排课流程
- 请通过“小助手” 或者Tony咨询/了解 课程的基本情况
- 学生/家长 会被分配给对应的顾问,顾问会给学生安排课程/ 试课
- 在排完课程以后学生会注册classin 或者VLE/ Zoom/ 腾讯(却决于学生的偏向)
- 学生试课结束以后,会被安排以后的课程 这里两边的系统学生可自行查询
- Please contact "小助手" or Tony for a basic introduction to our tutorials
- The student/ parent will be assigned to the appropriate personnel for specific lesson planning and trial lessons
- After the student has decided to partake in the tutorial, and account on CLASSIN/ VLE will be created (depending on their preference).
- After the trails have ended, and agreement reached, further arrangements (lessons) will be updated on either platform. The student can then check their timetables on their device.
Spark Consultancy VLE
We are an international-based academic consultancy focusing on 16+ and undergraduate application.
Contact us:
Site announcements
Welcome to Spark VLE
Welcome to the Spark VLE
Here you will be able to arrange lessons with our teachers and ask questions to them.
Teachers will also be able to set you asks to complete either publically through your course or privately by messaging.
If you have any questions concerning course enrolment and learning, please feel free to contact me at
Thank you very much and enjoy learning!
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